SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Carole Maloba

Carole Maloba
© Les Ateliers Actions de Kinshasa
Film director, Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Congolese (DRC) filmmaker.
Born in 1984, Maloba left a son and husband to study film in Kinshasa, after which she embarked on a career in broadcasting, specialising in sound and editing. She has worked on various documentary films and Le Pilon is her directorial and fiction debut.
She is one the filmmakers of African Metropolis Short Film Project (2013), an initiative of the Goethe-Institut South Africa and South African executive producer Steven Markovitz, gathering 7 African Directors: Folasakin Iwajomo (Lagos), Philippe Lacôte (Abidjan), Carole Maloba (Kinshasa), Marie Kâ (Dakar), Vincent Moloi (Johannesburg) Ahmed Ghoneimy (Cairo) and Jim Chuchu (Nairobi).


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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