The film's script (written by Sarah Maldoror in collaboration with Serge Michel) is based on a short story by the white Angolan writer and political activist Luandino Vieira, who had been sentenced by the Portuguese colonial regime to serve a fourteen-year term at the camp of Tarrafal in Cape Verde.
Filmed in Algiers, Monangambée is a documentary film about torture and, in a larger sense, the incomprehension that exists between the colonized and the colonizers. It is based on a novel by an Angolan writer imprisoned at the time by the colonial Portuguese powers. This, Sarah Maldoror's first film, won several prizes, including best director at the Carthage Festival.
(18', french, 1969)
Dir. Sarah Maldoror
Short film / Angola / 18' / 35mm noir et blanc / Directors' Fortnight 1971 (Cannes)
cast: Mohamed Zinet
Prod : C O N C P
c/o SLON - 68, rue Albert Paris 13ème.
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