SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fifth string (The)

  • 5ème corde (La) - الوتر [...]
Genre : Musical
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Feature
Running time : 98 (in minutes)

To teach him the subtleties of the lute, a master of music promises to his nephew to reveal him the secret of the fifth string but very soon the teacher realizes the audacity of his student and can't bear it.

A film by Selma Bargach

Morocco, 2011, feature, 1hr38 min, drama, Color, 35 mm

starring Khouloud Bétioui, Ali Esmili, Hichem Rostom, Claire-Hélène Cahen, Mohamed Elkhalfi, Abdallah Chakiri

First Feature drama

Original Title: La 5ème Corde
Film Type: Feature
Runtime: 1 hour 38 minutes
Completion Date: February 5, 2011
Country of Origin: Morocco
Country of Filming: Morocco
Film Language: Arabic
Shooting Format: RED
Film Color: Color
First-time Filmmaker: Yes
Student Project: No

Director: Selma BARGACH

Writer: Selma BARGACH
(In collaboration with David Kaim, Rachida Saadi and Hassan Benjelloun)

DoP: Yohann Charrin
Sound: Faouzi Thabet
Editing: Marie-Pierre Renaud
Music: Safy Boutella, Trio Joubran, Oussama Moda

Rachida SAADI

Key Cast
Khouloud Bétioui - "LEILA"
Hichem ROSTOM - "AMIR"

Distributor: JANAPROD
Country: Morocco
Rights: All Rights


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5ème corde (La) - الوتر [...]

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5ème corde (La) - الوتر [...]



  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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