SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Et après… [real: Mohamed Ismail]

  • Et après… [real: Mohamed Ismail]
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2002
Format : Feature
Running time : 92 (in minutes)

Finideq… Ceuta… Tetouan… The North of Morocco, a region with European frontiers where Spain, the closest point to Africa, is seen as a promised land, full of hope and where happiness is at the fingertips. An opportunity for a better world, though full of danger and challenge, but an exit to hope, hope that this land stopped giving its offspring… Réalisateur / Director : Mohamed Ismail · Scénario/Screenplay : Mohamed Ismail, Sylvain Agaesse · Photo/C : Denis Gravoul · Montage/Ed : Alima Arouali · Son/sound : Eddie Laurent, Valérie Deloof · Décors /Art Director : Bachir El Fassi · Costumes : Laïla Oumani · Prod : Mia Production, BKS Films · 1h32' · 35 mm · F · Coul/Col · Int/Cast : Rachid El Ouali, Siham Assif, Victoria Abril, Mohamed Miftah, Naïma Lamcharki, Fadila Belkebla · Contact : Mia Production


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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