SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Chebet
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Short
Running time : 12 (in minutes)

A pregnant woman in the Kenyan highlands decides to take drastic action against her alcoholic husband when she finds him passed out in front of their house yet again.

A pregnant woman in the Kenyan highlands, finds her alcoholic husband passed out in front of their house yet again. She ties him up to the milking shed then spends the rest of her day trying to figure out what to do next.

A film by Anthony KOROS

Kenya, 2016, fiction, 12 mins

starring Anita Kavuu, Justin Karunguru

Film de fin d'études / Graduate Film (NYU |Tisch)

CHEBET - TRAILER from Tony Koros on Vimeo.

Durée/Length: 12 mn
Format: DVD 16/9

Réalisateur / Director: Tony Koros
Scenario/Script: Tony Koros
Images/Pictures: Dominica Eriksen
Son/Sound: Habib Sadala
Montage/Editing: Tony Koros
Musique/Music: N/A
Décors/Set Design: Lilian Prentice

+1(347) 3234201

2017 | 25th Fespaco, Burkina Faso
* Selection - Official Competition - Shorts Fictions


Chebet Kenya / USA - 2017. Regia: Tony Koros Sceneggiatura: Tony Koros Durata: 12' Cast: Anita Kavuu-Ng'ang'a, Justin Karunguru, Caleb Kipkoech, Vin

2018 | Festival Cinema Africano, Asia e America Latina, MILAN


2 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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