SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

C'est qui l'homme ?

  • C'est qui l'homme ?
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Short
Running time : 23 (in minutes)

If he were a woman, he'd say: "Not tonight, I've got a headache." But nature having made him a male, Didier tries to impose a way of being a man by other means than what he's got in his pants. The challenge turns out to be difficult to take up: between a girlfriend who won't tolerate any bedroom weakness and a macho buddy who can't comprehend that a man would flail about, Didier is violently shaken in his masculine identity.

Directed by Fabienne Kanor, Véronique Kanor
Produced by Iloz Productions

Short Fiction
Runtime : 23 min 35 seconds
Production year : 2008

David J. Gabourg (Didier)
Sandra Nkaké (Marlène)
Salim Kechiouche (Loïc)
Christian Julien (M. Big Greek)
Zackary Derouin (Jason)
Nicolas Bilder (The Man at Restaurant)
Catherine Riaux (The neighbor)
Renaud Martinez (The Cop)

Executive Producer : Anne Sarkissian
Screenwriters : Fabienne Kanor, Véronique Kanor
Director of Photography : Simon Beaufils
Sound Recordists : Raphaël Bigaud, Lucie Hardoin
Editor : Francis Vesin
Sound Editor : Bruce Keen
Production Designer : Françoise Philippe
Music Composer : Raphaël Bigaud
Costume Designer : Morgane Lemeunier
Music Performer : Raphaël Bigaud
Make-up Artist : Audrey Himmer-Jude
Sound Mixer : Didier Cattin


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C'EST QUI L'HOMME ?, de Fabienne et Véronique Kanor



  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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