SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Au-delà de ce mur (Beyong that wall)

  • Au-delà de ce mur (Beyong that wall)
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2018
Format : Short
Running time : 15 (in minutes)

Two Amazigh children dreaming about a Lebanese star leaving on the other side of the wall, this is the topic of this touching short on the Moroccan society and its social classes differences.

A film by Aisha Jabour

Morocco, 2018 - Short narrative - 15' - Arabic with French or English subtitles

09/2018 Encontro do cine negro - Brésil /// Selection
09/2018 Le court du Kef - Tunisie /// Selection
09/2018 Rwanda Film Festival - Rwanda /// Selection
10/2018 Festival de Nador - Maroc /// Selection
10/2018 Festival de Kinshasa - RDC /// Selection
10/2018 Image & Vie - Sénégal /// Selection
11/2018 Festilag - Côte d'Ivoire /// Selection
02-03/2019 Fespaco - Burkina Faso /// Competition: short narrative
15/03/2019 African Film Festival in MANITOBA - Canada /// Competition short narrative
03/2019 MASHARIKI Film Festival - Rwanda /// Competition short drama
04/2019 Vues d'Afrique - Canada /// Competition short drama
05/2019 Espelhos d'Africa - Brésil /// Competition short drama
06/2019 Festicab - Burundi /// Competition short drama
06/2019 Cinemawon - Martinique /// Competition short drama
30/06/2019 FESTIMAJ - France /// Mention spéciale des films professionnels
19/07/2019 Écrans Noirs - Cameroun /// Competition short drama
09/2019 1ère édiition FIFF Cotonou - Bénin /// Amazone d'Or (Golden Amazon)
10/2019 CinemAfrica, Stockholm - Suède /// Competition short drama


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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