SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Lune Soleil de l'Âme

Colección de poemas y caligramas
  • Lune Soleil de l'Âme

Release date : Saturday 01 october 2022
Genre : Fine & illustrated book

Book ISBN number : 9782140292231
DEWEY code : Arts and leisure
Pages : 316

Year : 2022
Principal country concerned : Column : Design, Poetry / story telling

Nicole Coppey is the author of several collections of poetry and calligraphic poems. In this new work, she offers us a personal and universal breath of fresh air, lifting our gaze from the silence of words that resonate in our inner life, in vibration with the cosmos. Like the linked steps of a prima ballerina, the sounds of words, sounds and expressions choreograph space and time, imagination and reality. Dedicated to all generations, Nicole Coppey's artistic work challenges us... "Depending on the moment in life, perhaps one day a poem, just one, may speak..speak to us...."


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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