SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Berlin International Film Festival Potsdamer Straße 5
10785 BERLIN
Tel. : +49 30 259 20 0
Fax : +49 30 259 20 299
Genre : Festival
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Berlin - a cosmopolitan, exciting capital, a city of culture with international appeal. In the middle of it all: the Berlinale - not only the city's largest cultural event, but also one of the most important dates on the international film industry's calendar. More than 19,000 film professionals from 120 countries, including 4,000 journalists, are accredited for the Berlin International Film Festival every year. The Berlinale is truly a mega event. At the same time, it is a festival of encounters and discussions. With more than 200,000 tickets sold, the Berlinale is not only a film industry meeting. It also enjoys by far the largest audience of any film festival in the world. For two weeks, art, glamour, parties and business meet at the Berlinale.

Festival Management

Festival Director
Dieter Kosslick

Head of Festival Director's Office
Bernadette Kamp

Festival Director's Assistant
Competition Programme Coordination
Juliane Grieb

Festival Director's Assistant
Hendrikje Schwarze

Programme Manager
Thomas Hailer

Festival Manager
Johannes Wachs

Administrative Manager
Wolfgang Janßen

Managing Director
Dr. Thomas Köstlin

Programme Organisation
International Relations
Karin Hoffinger

Programme Organisation
Daniela Weber

Print Coordination
André Stever

Wieland Speck

Programme Manager
Paz Lazaro

International Forum of New Cinema
Christoph Terhechte

Karen Peek

Programme Coordination
Anna Hoffmann

Maryanne Redpath

Florian Weghorn

Perspektive Deutsches Kino
Alfred Holighaus

Programme Coordination
Linda Söffker

Berlinale Special

Programme Coordinator
Wilhelm Faber

Berlinale Shorts
Maike Mia Höhne

Nicole Stecker

Retrospective & Homage
Dr. Rainer Rother

Programme Coordination
Connie Betz

European Film Market
Beki Probst

Deputy Director
Catherine Buresi

Berlinale Co-Production Market
Head of the Berlinale Co-Production Market
Sonja Heinen

Berlinale Talent Campus

Programme Manager
Matthijs Wouter Knol

Project Manager
Christine Tröstrum

World Cinema Fund
Project Management:
Sonja Heinen

Vincenzo Bugno

Event Management
Head of Event Management
Christina Gräfin Szápáry

Solmaz Azizi

Guest Management
Head of Guest Management
Winfried Weiss

Louise Groetzebach

IT - Coordination
Head of IT - Coordination
Wilhelm Faber

Project Management
Klaus Glahn

Head of Department
Susanne Willadt

Festival Accreditation
Press Accreditation

Ticket Office
Head of Ticket Office
Michael Grimm

Head of Communications + Marketing
Anne Marburger

Head of Press and Publicity
Frauke Greiner

Head of Sponsorship
Dagmar Forelle

Delegate Argentina
Luciano Monteagudo

Delegates Asia
Jacob Wong
Norman Wang

Delegate Australia, New Zealand
Maryanne Redpath

Delegate Brasil
Jose Avellar

Delegate Central- and South Africa, India
Dorothee Wenner

Delegate France
Michel Ciment

Consultant: Elisabeth Lequeret

Consultant Iran
Anke Leweke

Delegate Italy, Countries of the Middle East
Vincenzo Bugno

Delegate Mexico & Greece
Alexis Grivas

Delegate Russia, Baltic States, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Poland & Slovenia
Nikolaj Nikitin

Consultant Scandinavia
Stephen Locke

Delegate Spain
Nuria Vidal

Delegate Turkey
Beki Probst

Delegate UK
Dominique Green

Delegate USA / East Coast
Karen Arikian

Delegate USA / West Coast
Pamela Pickering


15 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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