SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Marc Picavez

Marc Picavez
© DR
Film director, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Next to his anthropolgy studies, Marc Picavez created the Makiz'Art association and directed a first film, "Bul déconné !" (awarded in Dakar, Montréal, Ouidah and San Francisco) with Masaër Dieng. He directed then two solo projects: "France-Brésil et autres histoires…" (fiction 12',2007), awarded in several festivals, "Agosto", (Fiction 29' - 2010) and two documentaries : "Le monde est derrière nous" (23' - 2013) and "La mer est mon royaume" (56' - 2015, Arte). Marc also explores for the vidéo installation territory with his individual exposition "Seamen's Club" produced by the LIFE (Lieu International des Formes Emergentes) of Saint-Nazaire. "Yaadikoone" (2016) is inspired by the feature film scenario "Dakar en attendant la pluie", which Marc has co-written and further developed with Massaër Dieng before his coauthor's death. The project's destiny is rewriting. Source : http://marcpicavez.com/bio/


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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