SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Brett Bailey

Brett Bailey
© Theater Communication Group
Theatre director, Designer
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater

Brett Bailey is a playwright, designer, play director, installation artist, and the artistic director of THIRD WORLD BUNFIGHT. He has worked throughout South Africa, in Zimbabwe, Uganda, Haiti, the UK and Europe.
His acclaimed iconoclastic dramas, which interrogate the dynamics of
the post-colonial world, include BIG DADA, IPI ZOMBI?, iMUMBO JUMBO and ORFEUS. His performance installations include BLOOD DIAMONDS: TERMINAL and EXHIBITs A & B.
He directed the opening show at the World Summit on Arts and Culture in Johannesburg (2009), and from 2006-2009 the opening shows at the Harare International Festival of the Arts. From 2008-2011 he was curator of South Africa's only public arts festival, ‘Infecting the City', in Cape Town.
His works have played across Europe, Australia and Africa, and have won several awards, including a gold medal for design at the Prague
Quadrennial (2007).


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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