SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

International Monastir Films

Genre : Production, Executive production, Associate production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Ridha TURKI, Producteur Cité El Ahmadi, Bloc C 40, B.P 2070
La Marsa, Tunis
Tel. : +216 71 740 640 | +216 71 745 411
Contact by email

The International Monastir Films Services (IMFS) was founded in 1987 to fill a void in the film service sector At that era. Its founder RIDHA TURKI, boasting 5 years experience in accounting and financial management and external audit, as well as a 10 years experience as a production administrator, during which he enriched his knowledge and consolidated his international relations.

The I.M.F Services was established in the film city; Monastir, where Franco ZEFFIRELLI turned "JESUS DE NAZARETH", the MONTY PYTHON "Life of Brian", Jean Yann son "2HR Before Jésus Christ". 25 km further, in Sousse, Roman POLANSKI shoot his feature film "Pirates". And so other films and téléfilms were produced in the zone.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

With the support of