SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Album | Traditional
Release date : Monday 07 june 2010
Column : Music

Donso meaning "hunter" in Bambara is the result of the collaboration of four talented musicians coming from France and Mali: Producer Pierre Antoine Grison (who also releases his own music on Ed Banger Records as Krazy Baldhead), malian vocalist Gedeon Papa Diarra, Guimba Kouyate on Guitars and Djele N'Goni (traditional malian string instruments), Thomas Guillaume on percussions and Donso N'Goni.

Also featured on the album are other top Malian musicians Ballake Sissoko on Kora and keyboardist Cheick Thidiane Seck.

Donso's long awaited first album, out in June 2010 on Comet Records, is a well-rounded journey from the deep roots of Malian music to an exciting and melodic african electro-pop. Pierre-Antoine Grison, who produced the album in Paris along with one of France's most talented sound engineers Lucas Chauviere, created a stunning blend that mixes traditional music from Mali with a fresh and modern sound that truly belongs to the 21st century.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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