SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

With Bachir

  • Avec Bachir
© Ardèche images association
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 46 (in minutes)

Bachir is a Senegalese youth who uses his slam to think about the revolution. For him, the revolution requires access to education, information and culture. We accompanied Bachir to see how the themes of his compositions played out in the context of the Senegalese elections. The population has the chance to express its exasperation. People shout, argue, sing and say what they haven't been able to say to the politicians up to now.

2012 - Senegal, France - 46 minutes - Video HD

A film by Rosalie Gladys Bessini, Abdoulaye Boka, Soumaïla Boureima, Soumaïla Diallo, Félix Mbog-Len Mapout, Bintou Fanta Coly, Delphine Yerbanga, Kiswendsida Parfait Kabore, Elzévie Pascale Touloulou

Authors-Directors: Rosalie Gladys Bessini, Abdoulaye Boka, Soumaïla Boureima, Kiswendsida Parfait Kabore, Félix Mbog-Len Mapout, Elzévie Pascale Touloulou, Delphine Yerbanga, Bintou Fanta Coly, Soumaïla Diallo

Delegate Producer: Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis du Sénégal
Co-producer: Ardèche images association

Ardèche images association
Le village
07170 Lussas
Tél. +33 4 75 94 28 06
Fax + 33 4 75 94 29 06


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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