SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Paris Black Night

  • Paris Black Night
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1990
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

PARIS is the the­atre of this musi­cal voy­age, even if at times one escapes from it for the anony­mous sur­bubs. But a secret Paris of an ultra­ma­rine colour, ignored by the offi­cial guides and noc­tam­bu­lants who stick to rou­tine, con­sists of small African Islands, Caribbean, Amer­i­can, or the West Indies, made up of a thou­sand shat­tered places, short lived and vibrat­ing, that those fre­quent­ing them enhance with exo­tism, not need­ing shoddy goods from their far away home­lands. BLACK is the dom­i­nat­ing colour of our actors, even if black is less the colour of their skins than a state of mind, an art of liv­ing, or a sign of grat­i­tude, a pul­sion, the way they dress, laugh, dance, play music or lis­ten to it. NIGHT is a priv­i­leged moment in our enquiries and wan­der­ings in a "Black" Paris, deliv­ered from the grey shad­ows and the inel­e­gance of daily life.

A documentary directed by Yves Billon.

Duration: 52 min
Director: Yves Billon
Release date: 1990
Co-production: France 3 La Sept Les Films du Village LMK Images
Languages: English français
Participation: CNC Fond d'action sociale Intermedia Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Broadcast format: Digital Betacam
Distribution: Zaradoc


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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