SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cri du cœur (Le)

  • Cri du cœur (Le)
Genre : Fantasy
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1994
Format : Feature
Running time : 86 (in minutes)

Little Moctar has never left his village. One day a letter throws his life into confusion: he has to leave his life and his dearest peo¬ple to join his father, who had emigrated to France five years earlier. Moctar cannot adjust to this new life, he feels out of place far away from his village. He becomes anxious, and a hyena haunts him wherever he goes. His parents grow worried about his sanity; only Paulo, an eccentric sixty-year-¬old, understands little Moctar and helps him to win over his fears and face the hyena.


Il piccolo Moctar non ha mai lasciato il suo villaggio; Un giorno, una lettera scon¬volge la sua esistenza, Deve abbandona¬re la sua casa, le persone più care, per rag¬giungere il padre da anni emigrato in Francia. Moctar non riesce ad adattarsi a questa nuova vita, si sente a disagio lon¬tano dal suo ambiente. Lo assale una cer¬ta inquietudine, mentre l'immagine di una iena lo insegue ovunque per le stra¬de della città; i genitori si preoccupano per la sua salute mentale; solo Paulo, un sessantenne fuori dalle righe, lo capisce e lo aiuta a sconfiggere le sue paure e ad affrontare la iena.

Burkina Faso/Francia, 1994
Regia: Idrissa Ouédraogo


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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