SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

À Casablanca, les anges ne volent pas (Al Malaika la tuhaliq fi al-dar albayda)

  • À Casablanca, les anges ne volent pas (Al Malaika la [...]
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2004
Format : Feature
Running time : 97 (in minutes)

Saïd is a father to be, he works in a restaurant with Othman and Ismail. He promised his wife he would be there the day of the birth, but his boss won't let him leave. Her wife gives birth and exhorts him to come back to her. Once he gets back, his wife is in a very bad way. He will take her and seek medical help.
With: MIFTAHALKHAIR, Abdessamad/ EL BADAOUI, Abderrazzak/ EL AHIANI, Laila/ EL HAZMIR, Rachid
Director and sript: ASLI, Mohamed
Production: Daghan Film CASABLANCA (Maroc)
DOP Camera: MEDDI, Roberto
Sound designer: LAZZARO, Mauro
Music: MICUS, Stephan
Editing: AIELLO, Raimondo


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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