SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fleuve Congo. 4700 km de nature et culture en effervescence

Release date : Friday 16 april 2010
Genre : History

Book ISBN number : 978--9-0747-5274-9
Pages : 95
Principal country concerned : Column : History/society

In 2010, as the Democratic Republic of Congo celebrates 50 years of independence, the great Congo River flows into the Royal Museum for Central Africa. The exhibition is devoted to the many facets of this fascinating, remote river. Majestic and powerful, it produces the world's second greatest discharge and is surrounded by an immense equatorial forest of remarkable biodiversity - a fitting subject for 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity. But it's also a river to experience, that millions of Congolese use to travel, fish and transport all sorts of merchandise. Its vast river basin receives one-quarter of Africa's total precipitation: water for drinking, farming and powering hydroelectric turbines, such as those at Inga. It also remains a mysterious river, shrouded in myth from its Katanga sources to its mouth. This book complements the exhibition, whose themes it addresses through brief texts and rich photographs of people, animals, countryside and RMCA collection objects, many never before exhibited. The whole family will enjoy discovering the world within these pages.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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