SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Conjonctures congolaises 2012. Politique, secteur minier et gestion des ressources naturelles en RD Congo

Release date : Thursday 29 march 2012
Genre : History

Book ISBN number : 978-2-343-00465-5
Pages : 306
Column : History/society

2012, the first year of a new legislature, was a stormy one in both political and security terms. The president claimed victory in a hotly-contested election, yet neither the local opposition nor the international community were able to challenge the results. The opposition was too weak, divided, and inconsistent. Meanwhile, the international community may have deemed that pressure from it would further imperil the security situation in the absence of a politically credible solution, but also found that its means did not weigh enough for its views to prevail. The elected government thrust out the heavyweights of the past, and includes a number of lesser-known technocrats and personalities. The posts for prime minister and economics ministers were given to men who could cajole the international funding agencies. This did not stop the IMF from blocking financial aid owing to poor transparency in mining-related transactions, an area still under the ultimate control of the presidential sphere. While some economic progress was made, the security situation in the east remains precarious. The government and the army were shown to be ineffectual once more in the face of new insurgency in the region.

The fragile political and security situation overshadows and compromises hints of progress that, in some conditions, could mark a turning point in the reconstruction of the State and the country's recovery. This book focuses mainly on the question of management of natural resources: mines, oil, and forest. The mining sector has seen spectacular development in Katanga, due primarily to foreign companies using plenty of capital and small workforces. In the east, the predominantly traditional mining industry is heavily disrupted by the security situation. The oil sector creates the fewest jobs but is the State's leading source of revenue. Tropical rainforest management has stagnated the most and seen the greatest damage. Quality of governance remains the Achilles heel of Congolese economic policy. Will the government finally be able to rise to the challenge?


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