SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Salif Keita, citoyen ambassadeur

  • Salif Keita, citoyen ambassadeur
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1996
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 49 (in minutes)

Using three pieces - Manjou, Africa and Folon - played before an enraptured audience, the film takes us to the sources of Salif Keita's inspiration : his family, the cross-breeding of his music and the African identity.
His family is his niece who like him is a victim of albinism and to whom he teaches mandingue music so that she will not be rejected as he was by his father. It is also his mother who lives in Bamako to which he would like to return. The cross-breeding of his music is the encounters that Salif provokes to enrich this music which comes from earliest times. He "jams" with Carlos Santana, rehearses with the French composer Jean-Philippe Rykiel, sings and dances with the griots of Bamako.
Between Montreuil, Copenhagen and Bamako, we discover a man of a profound wisdom and of a great sensitivity whose only weapons are his golden voice and his guitar.

A film by Jean-Pierre Limosin
1996 - France - 49 minutes - Beta digital


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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