SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

News time

  • News time
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2001
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 59 (in minutes)

At a time of war and conflict, the media portrays the life of a Ramallah town in the West Bank to be dominated by death and violence.
A Palestinian filmmaker who wishes to escape this
image decides to start filming life little details; a love story that is blossoming between her landlord and his wife. Yet, while filming War-jets start shelling Ramallah City and the
couple decides to escape the town leaving the filmmaker with an unfinished film.
This turn in the film directs her attention to four boys in her neighbourhood who spend their time practicing how to throw stones in order to defend themselves if they are attacked by soldiers.
As days pass by, NEWS TIME becomes more of a diary for the filmmaker and the boys. And as political reality gets worse, the five characters find that their everyday lives are being taken over by political events.

Director: Azza El-Hassan
Yamama Creative House

Palestine 2001
Digibeta / 59 min

Grierson Award for Best Newcomer 2002


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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