SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Héritiers de la colline (Les)

  • Héritiers de la colline (Les)
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Feature
Running time : 82 (in minutes)

In Bamako, two hills face each other, separated by the Niger River. The University of Bamako, the "hill of knowledge" sinks into chaos day after day. The AEEM, the single union of Malian students, rules using racketeering, corruption, electoral fraud. Its most striking arguments are machetes but its "warriors" do not disdain Kalashnikovs. Here, these union leaders learn techniques of government that they will apply tomorrow when become political leaders, they will settle on the opposite hill, the "hill of power".

A film by Ousmane Samassekou

Mali/France - 2016 - documentary - Couleur - HD / DCP - 82'

Director: Ousmane Samassekou
Image : Ousmane Samassekou, Abdelah Coulibaly
Son : Adama Diarra, Aboubacar Sidibé
Montage : Marie-Pierre Renaud
Production : DS productions, Label Vidéo

2016 | 28th Etats généraux du film documentaire de Lussas 2016, France
* Selection - Docmonde
* Projection/ Screening: Friday 26 August - 10:15 am - Salle Scam


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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