SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Bénarès
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Feature
Running time : 75 (in minutes)

Mayi and her best friend Nad leave their village, Benares, to go to Port Louis in order to find two women. They meet an old man who offers to drive them in his pick-up truck. On the road, they meet two prostitutes, give them a ride, and drive quietly back to Benares, looking like they are going nowhere. As the pick-up takes them back to their village, they evoke the other Benares, that sacred city in India where Hindus go to die to earn their place in paradise.

Avec / With: Davidsen Kamanah, Sandra Faro, Jérôme Boulle, Kristeven Mootien, Vanessa Li Lun Yuket Danielle Dalbret
Production / Producer: Artcam International (France)
Directeur de la photographie / Cinematography : Jacques Bouquin
Ingénieur du son / Sound : Bernard Aubouy
Festivals: Vues d'Afrique 1994

35mm/c - créole mauricien / Mauritian Creole


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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