SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Jaam Dong

Genre : Album | Reggae
Release date : Monday 09 june 2014
Principal country concerned : Column : Music

On 9 June 2014, Puppa Lëk Sèn will present "Jaam Dong" (Only peace/Seulement la paix), a new album where Lëk Sèn clearly
defines his style and discourse.
Often identified among the artists who cannot be categorized that we happy to class everywhere (African Blues, World, Reggae, Afrobeat, Rap,...), Lëk Sèn moves in his album towards the source of his inspirations, "Reggae" music.
His identity and inspirations remain intact and Lëk Sèn remains as active and a source of renewal as before. He is musically inspired by Burning Spear, Groundation and the legendary Joseph HILL, his lyrics advocate the discourse of Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Emperor Hailé Sélassie Jah Rastafari for the African union and peace in the world.
For the album "Jaam Dong", Lëk Sèn reunited André AVESLINO QUILEZ (Guitar), Laurent PENA VIEIRA (Drums), Christophe LAXENAIRE (Keyboard), Ousmane KALIL KOUYATE (Kora), William HOUNTONDJI (Copper), Coco Roots (Sample, Guitar, Bass guitar) and invited LEXON (Vocals), Julia SARR (Chorus) and Méta DIA (Vocals) for featuring. A production by JAHSEN CREATION


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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